Trimodal PET-SPECT-CT Molecubes
Trimodal imaging system, PET, SPECT and CT – MOLECUBES γ, β and X-CUBES
These devices work separately thus allowing to...
All scientific nodes provide hybrid imaging equipment. The Molecular and Functional Imaging Platform at CIC biomaGUNE has hybrid PET-CT and full ring SPECT-CT, the latter offering the possibility of multi-isotope studies with energy discrimination. The Infrastructure for Advanced Translational Imaging (TRIMA) offers hybrid PET-CT imaging. Both nodes are equipped with conditioned rooms for animal preparation and ancilliary equipment including anesthesia systems, physiological monitoring equipment, infusion pumps and temperature regulation systems.
Trimodal imaging system, PET, SPECT and CT – MOLECUBES γ, β and X-CUBES
These devices work separately thus allowing to...
PET System with two rings (8 LYSO high density scintillator glass modules) that is able to provide 80 mm transaxial F...
Read articleWith 3 PET rings and planar CT detectors that allow high-resolution CT and PET acquisitions, optimal in preclinical f...
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